The Outsiders Lesson

                 Essay Questions


1. Darry assumes guardianship over his brothers in this story. What does that really mean?

2. Ponyboy likes to go to movies to escape the reality of his own life. If you were to choose a movie that best gives you the opportunity to escape your own life, what movie would you select and why?

3. When Pony returns to school after Johnny's and Dally's death, he is unable to function at the level he did before. His grades drop, he's clumsy, and nothing is easy for him. Why does this change occur? Is it a permanent change? How do we know?
4. The cry that life isn't fair is a major theme in this story. Pick one topic that Ponyboy sincerely feels is unfair and write about the relationship it has with your own life. For example, the fact that Ponyboy's parents were killed in an automobile accident is unfair.  Choose any topic from the book and write at least one page.
