The Outsiders Lesson

Johnny Cade is "the gang's pet." The novel describes Johnny as a "lost puppy" and a "puppy that has been kicked too many times." He is only 16 years old, but has already been beaten down by the cruelty of life. Johnny had been severely beaten by a group of Socs before this story begins. This beating puts him almost over the edge; in fact, the Socs scared him so much that he even carries a switchblade in his pocket. Johnny vows that, "He would kill the next person who jumped him."


Steve Randal is Sodapop’s best friend since grade school. Steve is a seventeen-year-old greaser who works with Sodapop at the gas station. Steve knows everything about cars and specializes in stealing hubcaps. He is cocky and intelligent, tall and lean. He wears his thick hair in a complicated arrangement of swirls. He is also tough—he once held off four opponents in a fight with a broken soda bottle. He sees Ponyboy as Sodapop’s annoying kid brother and wishes Ponyboy would not tag along so often.